I am a cradle Catholic and a , former reinforcing Iron-Worker from NYC. I came down with MS years ago and began to write. Today I am a widower, a grandfather, and a Catholic author/writer. Until recently, I was a contributing writer to Aleteia, and my work has appeared in publications such as Zenit from Rome, Big Pulpit, Tidings, Catholic 365, and others. I have written four novels and one children’s book dealing with bullying. My books can be seen at this site and at Amazon.

Aside from the keyboard, I am a 4th-degree member of the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Writer’s Guild, and the Catholic Writer’s Society. I was active with the St. Vincent DePaul Society for over 20 years, holding positions that included Conference President and member of the Board of Directors of the District Council.

I am an EMHC (Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion) and have brought Holy Communion to the sick, hospitalized, and homebound for over 25 years. I had three adult children, but my son, Billy, passed away suddenly in 2022. Now, it is my son, Larry Jr., my daughter, Mary, and six grandchildren. We all live within ten minutes of each other near St. Petersburg on the west coast of Florida. 

Lastly, I am a widower, having lost two wives to cancer. Loretta and I began dating in high school and were married for almost 35 years. I met Martha at the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Widowed seven years earlier, we connected, and we were married four years after Loretta’s passing. Marty came down with Lymphoma and Alzheimer’s Disease and passed away in 2017.

About my Faith:

I believe that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most wondrous thing this side of Heaven. Where else can we get a glimpse of the actual life within the Blessed Trinity? Where else can we witness bread and wine transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ Himself? This can only happen during the Mass when an ordained Priest stands in “Persona Christi”(in the shoes of Christ) and says the
words of Consecration. Then, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the now Risen Christ is returned to us in Holy Communion. Where else can this happen? The answer is NOWHERE—this is where it all begins. I know it does for me.