Horizon Homeless

New Edition Coming Soon

See how a series of unanticipated setbacks can lead an entire, upstanding family, unexpectedly, into the darkened world of opioid addiction.

There are millions of people across this great land of ours that are pre-homeless. Bob and Tracey Slider and their son, Jake are a composite of so many American families that cover our land from ‘sea to shining sea’. They are among the millions of unnoticed, hardworking Americans, locked into survival mode while trying their best to do the “right thing” every day. What happens when they are confronted with circumstances which place them on a road heading downward where the horizon up ahead turns homeless? Can they make the turn and begin heading uphill? What choices will they make? What will determine their success or failure?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt: 11:28

The Priest and The Peaches

Based on a true story. 

Having already lost their mom to leukemia, the Peach kids are officially orphaned when their dad suddenly dies during Christmas season 1965.  Teddy, 18, is the oldest and the new “head” of the family. He is determined to do his best to lead his siblings onward. They find a welcome ally in their parish priest, Father Tim Sullivan. Father Tim, a former Golden-Glove boxer from the “Hell’s Kitchen” area of Manhattan, will try his best to guide his parentless, young parishioners into the strange, uncharted and turbulent waters of “grown-up” world.

The Demons of Abadon

Joey insisted that he kept on talking to his Dad. He had told his brothers and sister and they thought he did not understand Pop’s passing. After all, he was only six and Pops said he would “be back later.”

But then Beeker and Joey went to stay with Charlie and Eleanor Winters for the summer. They lived on an old farm in the Abadon Forest. But so did the “Darkened.” They did not want Joey anywhere near the Abadon. Why? They feared his innocence.

No one could have imagined that this demonic fear would turn into an all out struggle between Good & Evil.

Slippery Willie’s Stupid, Ugly Shoes

Willie Wiggles hates his slippery feet. He just slips, slides and spins all over the place. But what he hates even more are the special shoes that have been made for him that will help him to walk just like all the other kids. Willie thinks that they are the “stupidest, ugliest shoes in the whole world.” Discover how sometimes we worry about things about ourselves when actually there is nothing to worry about in the first place.